Magic of Mullein


The soft succulent leaves of Mullein soothe the skin of rash and rawness. With anti microbial properties, Mullein makes a wonderful addition to any healing salve or balm. 

Especially good in treating the lungs of infection and congestion, make mullein tea or tincture relieve cold symptoms. Also used as an affective treatment for asthma. We add Mullein to our smokers blend to heal the lungs 



Mullein is one of our garden staples keeping it green all year round! A perfect companion for any garden with shallow roots and minimal needs the large leaves provide shade for the soil and microbial activity and also keep the weeds from spreading. 




Excited to see spring upon us in Athens, Georgia! Our Mulleins are glistening in the early morning dew so sweetly divine I could fall to the dirt and quench my desire to taste this beautiful essence