Natural Earth Potions is a producer and supplier of organic, medicinal, herbal products. We make solar infusions of olive and hemp oil with select herbs to treat specific problems. We currently make salves and balms of coconut oil, shea butter, infused oil, and beeswax, as well as bath salt blends, and dried herbal smoking blends. We are always searching new organic herbal treatments for key problems many of us suffer from.

Our mission is to provide herbal healing as a natural alternative, while always using the highest quality and most respectfully grown herbs and oils. We are concerned for the health of our planet earth just as we care for the health of all humanity. We believe in a future where we nurture nature and let nature nurture us. 

Our Story

It all begins in the garden. 


When time is spent in the garden, surrounded by various vibrating life forms, from flowers and herbs so vivid, to fluttering birds, butterflies and bees, the human mind can rest at ease, and know its place as the observer and appreciator, while actively taking part in growing and shaping the garden itself. Self realization in the garden as an integral part of the whole. Connected and whole, when we learn from the garden and listen to the garden and to our selves. 

It is in the garden, you will find the hard work of weeding can be replaced with the satisfying feeling of harvesting your medicine. Many of our "weeds" are merely misunderstood, and waiting to be used and appreciated. The garden will show you how plentiful a small space can be, with only attention and care. So much potential is packed in each seed, in each square inch of soil, and each ray of sun. Everything we need to sustain our lives can be provided by the garden. All of our food and medicines derived from the wonders of nature and a little bit of sun and water.