Horny Hippie Happy Hemp Lube


Horny Hippie Happy Hemp Lube


Are you a horny hippie? Do you prefer putting natural, organic products into your body rather than chemical cocktails? EVERYTHING we put in our bodies should promote good health, rather than risk our health over a saving few dollars. 

Horny Hippie Happy Hemp Lube is an organic lubricant and massage oil that promotes healing in the body by providing nourishment with a wide range of vitamins and minerals. We absorb oils through our skin like a sponge, and the benefits of a natural oil will go far beyond the surface of the skin.

Horny Hippie Happy Hemp Lube is made with certified organic hemp seed oil. Hemp Seed Oil comes from industrial hemp seed which contains only trace amounts of ThC. There are no psychoactive properties associated with this product. The health benefits of hemp seed oil make it a far superior oil and lubricant than any other option.


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